One of the problems with stepping out of the comfort zone and trying new things… is the risk of discomfort, pain and even failure. Essentially ‘The Curios Explorer’ really needs to understand that this is a probable part of stepping out of the comfort zone.
I have an underlying back issue that restricts me from doing any form of back bend. My Osteopath tells me that I can keep doing them if I want to keep him in business but I would be wiser to look after my own best interests and avoid them all together. I have done so for years and all the while I keep my back strong with strengthening poses scattered all the way through my yoga classes.
But 2 days ago I went back for more delicious Aerial Yoga (it feels so good) and this time the class advanced us toward some inversions that looked a little risky at first… but they also looked particularly enjoyable. So… with my fresh new approach to trying new things… I gave it a go.
Following the specific instructions of the flying yogi at the front I held on to the hammock on either side with my hands, widened my outstretched legs and leaned back to horizontal while I wrapped my legs around the hammocks sides, kissed my toes together and then tucked ankles around to lock myself in… then lowering my body back down toward the ground, gradually releasing my hands from gripping the hammocks sides and easing myself into floating upside down. It was a marvelous floating feeling with all the benefits of inversions but without the compression of the neck and spine that you get in head and shoulder stands. LIBERATING!! I loved it!!
We did some activities where we twisted ourselves around as we hung upside down and experienced the simple joy of swinging around.
I chose to shorten the length of my inversion due to my care and concern for my vulnerable back but felt I got the fun and exhilaration out of the experience.
It was another awesome and expansive step out of my comfort zone but it was not without a grappling with the potential risk factor as that night my old grumpy back feelings started to sound rather loudly and by the next morning my back was tight and sore and my head pounding. I know this feeling well.
But, I also know how to fix it, so I booked a spot with my osteopath, Joachim Enevelodsen for next week and I will shrug and smile through his caring lecture about the importance of avoiding back bends while I quietly surrender to knowing that inversions in Aerial yoga are fun, but not my gig.
So at this point… my burble doesn’t really seem very uplifting or enlightening in that this blog is focused on enthusing you, my reader to get out of your comfort zone and live life a little fuller. But it really is...
Because the ragged edges of your explorations, the potential and often inevitable discomfort, the awakening to your personal limitations, the caring for yourself afterwards, the decision to not continue an activity that's not right for you... is all part of the journey.
And so is the childish excitement of exploring the unknown, the playful joy and fun that you get to experience as a non-expert newbie… the exploration into the experience of 'not knowing', of learning how you respond to newness and fresh experiences. They are all part of the journey in expanding, growing, experiencing, enriching and living life to the fullest.
I hope you find a way to step out if your comfort zone safely soon.